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In July 2023, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority), in collaboration with California Rail Builders, today announced the completion of the McCombs Road overcrossing in Kern County. 

The McCombs Road overcrossing is located on State Route (SR) 43, north of the city of Wasco in Kern County. This grade separation spans 415 feet, is 40 feet wide and realigns McCombs Road slightly north to take traffic over SR 43 and the future high-speed rail lines.

Feet Long

Feet Wide

Cubic Yards of Concrete

Updates Per Project

McCombs Road Grade Separation (drone view)

May 10, 2023

At the McCombs Road Grade Separation, crews are working to realign and tie in the existing McCombs Road slightly north onto the future overpass. Crews have removed portions of the old road and are hauling aggregate to connect the roadway to the completed structure. The roadway will then be paved, striped and opened to traffic later this spring.

McCombs Road Grade Separation (drone view)

June 1, 2022

The top of the McCombs Road Grade Separation is continuing to take shape. All 360 pre-cast concrete deck panels have been installed and crews are now making way for the installation of rebar for the deck and barrier reinforcement. When complete, the McCombs Road Grade Separation will be 415 feet long and will take traffic over, State Route 43, existing BNSF rail lines, and future high-speed rail lines.

March 1, 2022

In Construction Package 4, the year kicked off with crews completing the installation of 15 pre-cast girders to form the superstructure of the McCombs Road Grade Separation. Work was completed over the four nights. Crews are now working on other superstructure elements and are preparing to place concrete for the abutment diaphragms. When the abutment diaphragms are formed, crews will begin installing 360 pre-cast concrete deck panels on top of the superstructure. When complete, the McCombs Road Grade Separation will be 415-feet long and will take traffic over, State Route 43, existing BNSF rail lines, and future high-speed rail lines.

March 1, 2021

At McCombs Avenue, crews have poured four of the eight columns for the substructure of the McCombs Grade Separation. Crews continue to work on the west side of the BNSF tracks to prepare the forms and rebar to continue to pour future columns. When complete, the McCombs Avenue Grade Separation will take traffic over the BNSF and future high-speed rail lines.

December 1, 2020

Just north of Wasco at McCombs Avenue, crews completed the first mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall on the east side of State Route 43 (SR 43). In the coming months, they will begin working on the west side of the highway. The McCombs Avenue Grade Separation will take traffic over SR 43, BNSF freight line, and the future high-speed rail lines.

Columns under construction at McCombs

May 1, 2020

On the west side of McCombs Road, crews are hauling embankment fill for the future overcrossing. Crews have also installed the mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) panels and are now working on falsework for the posts, stringers, and beams for the structure.